Nonprofit Spotlight: November 2020
When the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the world in March, our country offices and field teams continued to do what we have always done—share the love of God through water, sanitation and hygiene (critical for life in this pandemic and all pandemics to come), and share the hope of Jesus Christ (critical for this crisis and in all crises to come). We elevated and focused our effort as we sprang into action with a 90-day response plan. Despite the ever-evolving challenges of travel bans, lockdowns, and other restrictions, our dedicated teams focused on meeting immediate needs across the 18 countries where we serve. By June 30, we had reached 4.6 million people with COVID-19 prevention messages, installed 1,700 handwashing stations, distributed hygiene supplies to 197,900 people, and directly supported 4,900 churches and 450 healthcare facilities—all while also completing 211 water projects for 83,000 people in vulnerable communities.
During this next phase, we will continue our virus prevention efforts in a myriad of ways, on the frontlines in vulnerable communities providing life-saving access to water, sanitation, hygiene, and the hope of the gospel—needed now more than ever. We will continue to mobilize thousands of churches in our program countries as they work through how to continue to care for their church members and carry out the mission of the church. We invite you to join arms with us through prayer and financial support.
For more information about how you or your church can help, please contact Ruth Githumbi at 832.538.8647.