Our world has changed so much in the past few weeks, and so have the missions of many of our nonprofits in Houston. The Houston Philanthropy Circle (HPC) began as the founders, Scanlan Foundation, Agee Family Foundation and O’Shea Family Foundation witnessed a disconnect with donors creating meaningful impact with nonprofits. Currently, these nonprofits need donor impact more than ever. We have personally spoken with several nonprofits that desperately need our help NOW.
To that end, HPC has asked the nonprofits that were vetted by us and that we featured in our first two Nonprofit Symposia to send us their immediate needs and contact information which we have posted on our website for you, the donors, to view in one concise “bulletin board.” Please reach out directly to them as you can to help now.
These nonprofits are serving even more individuals and families that will be pushed into poverty because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Their resources and budgets are being stretched like we have never seen before.
Our prayer is that the Houston Philanthropy Circle will make a difference in Houston to get the critical needs of nonprofits served quickly so that our nonprofits can comfort and assist the under-served in this time of uncertainty. Thank you for taking your time to read through this information as we have asked the nonprofits to communicate their immediate needs in a concise format to make it easier for you to donate exactly what is needed today.
You can click the links below to access this information, which is organized by category, like at the symposia. If you should have any questions, please email the Houston Philanthropy Circle at hpcphilanthropy@gmail.com.
- Education Nonprofit Covid-19 Needs
- Faith Formation & Family Nonprofit Covid-19 Needs
- Healthcare & Social Work Nonprofit Covid-19 Needs
- Poverty & Resilience Nonprofit Covid-19 Needs
We know our God has our lives in his hands, and because of this we will be a stronger, more faith filled community.Until we see you again at our next Nonprofit Symposium, which we hope to announce the date soon, we pray for our world and especially the under-served.