Nonprofit Spotlight: August 2020
Reentry, recovery, and redemption do not stop even for a global pandemic. Our services are needed now more than ever as women in Texas continue to be released from incarceration with limited resources for housing. Angela House maintains a deep commitment to the health, safety, and well-being of the women we serve. Our incredible staff and dedicated community partners have worked to create a holistic online learning curriculum and made adjustments to ensure our residents remain committed to recovery.
Our residents remain healthy and have made the best of the weeks of sheltering in place. They have forged a very strong sisterhood and developed a weekly gratitude meeting. Our community partners have outdone themselves offering Zoom classes in personal finance, family dynamics, fitness, Bible study, and 12-step group and sponsor meetings. We are in the process of updating our technological equipment to allow for more virtual meetings. We are deeply grateful for the continued support of our local philanthropic community that has answered the call in this time of need. Now, more than ever, the residents and graduates of Angela House need access to safe, affordable housing and stable employment opportunities.
For more information about Angela House, please contact Kristin Guiney at or 281-445-9696.